Moms on Call Toddler + 8-16 Week Schedule

Toddler + 8-16 Week Moms on Call Schedule

Here at Moms on Call, we’re well-known for our “Typical Day” schedules found in the 0-6 Month Book, 6-15 Month Book and Toddler Book. These are amazing because they set up a strong foundation for families during such a vulnerable part of their parenthood journey. These first six months as first-time parents can be challenging, and Moms on Call is always here to support you! We’re also always here to support those second, third, fourth, and fifth-time parents, and a great resource for these parents is the Moms on Call Toddler Book. Now, with two under two, this is my most used resource – it’s my new best friend!

So let me tell you a little bit about my new best friend! It’s filled with everything you need to know to tackle life with multiple little ones. It has so many resources ranging from quick guides for how to handle those toddler tantrums to a “Typical Day” for multiple kids (i.e., “Toddler + Newborn,” “Toddler + Baby 2-4 Weeks Old,” “Toddler + Baby 1-3 Months Old,” “Alternate Option Toddler + Baby 6 Weeks-4 Months”).

For the season of life that we’re in right now (Toddler + 8-16 Week Baby), the book includes two schedule options. You can choose whichever one works best for your family. We chose to follow the “Alternate Option Toddler + Baby 6 Weeks-4 Months” Schedule. I changed it around slightly to meet our specific needs. ​​

Our Typical Day looks something like this:

  • 7 AM: Jackson wakes up + feed + playtime.
  • 7:30 AM: Madison comes out of her room. Most of the time, she is awake sometime around 7/7:15 AM, and that’s okay. I let her hang out in her room until I’m done feeding Jackson.
  • 8:30 AM: Jackson is in the crib for a nap. Breakfast for Madison + myself.
  • 9-10 AM: Madison and I get some playtime together.
  • 10 AM: Jackson feed. I give Madison a snack so she’s occupied.
  • 10:30 AM: We head to the library, the park, or another activity for the day. This is always our scheduled time out of the house every day.
    • Tip: I will either wear Jackson or lay down a blanket for him whenever we get to where we’re going so that he can have his tummy time. I do my best to keep him awake as close to 11:30 AM as possible, and sometimes he makes it, and other times he’ll fall asleep around 11/11:15, and that’s okay! I just give him plenty of tummy time to tire him out at his next awake time (i.e., 1-2:30 PM).
  • 11:30 AM: Jackson starts his nap on the go.
  • 12-12:30 PM: Home. Jackson finishes his nap in his crib while Madison and I eat lunch.
    • Tip: If we’re ever somewhere and I know we won’t be home closer to 1 PM, I’ll pack an on-the-go lunch so that Madison can eat lunch in the car on the way home. I can put her down for her nap when we get home.
  • 1 PM: Madison naps + Jackson feed.
  • 1:30-2:30 PM: Jackson and I get some playtime together.
  • 2:30 PM: Jackson is in the crib for a nap.
  • 3:30 PM: Madison awake + snack.
  • 4 PM: Jackson feed.
  • 5-5:30 PM: Dinner.
  • 5:30-6:30 PM: Family walk.
    • Tip: We always try to walk after dinner and during the kids’ “witching hours.” I’ll normally wear Jackson for our walk, and we’ll let Madison walk however long she wishes so it tires her out for the night. We always bring the stroller for when she decides she’s done walking.
  • 6:30 PM: Bath time for Jackson and Madison.
  • 7 PM: Jackson feed.
  • 7:30 PM: Bedtime for both. Goodnight!

As you can see, this schedule allows our days to flow seamlessly. There are 3 main reasons I love this schedule:

  1. It allows me time alone with my baby and my toddler separately. This is SO important to me because these are the times when I can give each little one my undivided attention.
  2. It gives me at least an hour of alone time. This is key because I need time to decompress and fill up my own cup. This is my time to do something for me.
  3. It works! The structure of every day is the same, which takes out any guesswork for me. I know that every day between 10:30 AM-12/12:30 PM is our time out of the house. This helps Madison work out some energy and is great for my sanity.

This schedule works for our family because it gives us time all together as a family, time separately with each child, and time alone. This is our ideal parenting situation, and we’re so lucky that Moms on Call has laid this plan out for us right on our laps. That’s exactly why I’m here, sharing how this schedule has helped us adapt from life with one to life with two little ones under two.

We know that every parent is different and that what works for one parent may not work for another. That is the beauty of parenthood – you get to decide what is best for your family! As parents and Moms on Call Consultants, we’re all here to cheer you on because we’re all in this together, figuring out the beauty (and hurdles) of parenthood.

Written by Moms on Call Consultant Alexandra Pereira, RN, BSN, CCRN

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