Moving Your Baby up to 8-16 Week Schedule
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Some parents may see moving up in schedules as an obstacle. We are here to help with the adjustment and get you through it in a breeze. One of our most frequently asked questions pertains to the 8-16 week schedule and how to transition to it, as this is a big sleep leap for the baby.
If you follow the Moms on Call 4-8 week schedule, the baby can move up to the 8-16 week schedule between 6-8 weeks of age if healthy and gaining weight!
If you are starting to follow Moms on Call’s typical day schedules and techniques, jump right into the 8-16 week schedule between 6-8 weeks of age (if healthy and gaining weight). Begin with Moms on Call Basics to get the details just right!
Moving up to the 8-16 week schedule means getting the baby to bed earlier. At Moms on Call, we’ve found that sleep does not “shift” -- it expands. So, by getting the baby to bed earlier, they will actually sleep longer! Yay for big sleeping milestones!
They are ready when:
Routines are meant to serve your household with predictability and flexibility. Jump right in; you’ve got this! And remember, our confidence is contagious.
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