Our Guide to Thriving Through the End of Daylight Savings

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 2 min

On Sunday, November 5th, 2023, daylight savings ends,  and we roll our clocks back an hour. As if changing the clocks back and adjusting wasn’t tricky enough for us adults, how can we ensure that our little one’s entire schedule doesn’t get thrown off, too? Follow our guide to thriving through the end of Daylight Savings. 

Hint: Daylight Savings is not as complicated as you think! Let’s break it down!

First, make sure the Moms on Call basics are in place for Daylight Savings.

  • Use Moms on Call’s famous Typical Day schedules (found in our books and courses ) to help with Daylight Savings:
    • Develop and keep amazing sleep habits!
    • Promote proper digestion!
    • Encourage appropriate development for your baby’s age by following their natural daily rhythms.
    • Give yourself freedom (with flexibility)! Because let’s face it, in parenting, freedom is a planned endeavor. Flexibility is built in to help keep everyone on track when things inevitably don’t go as planned! Daylight Savings is no different! 
  • Create an ideal sleep environment that is both effective and safe! The most essential elements are:

Next, follow these 5 simple steps for thriving through Daylight Savings!

  1. Saturday night, November 4th, put your child to bed at the usual time.
  2. Before you go to sleep, roll your clocks back an hour.
  3. Daylight Savings is here! Sunday morning (November 5th), wake your child when the clock is at their normal wake-up time. Resist the urge to go in earlier!
  4. Keep the rest of the day on your regular schedule, following the clock and not your baby’s cues.
  5. Be patient! Transitions typically take 3 days! And before you know it, both you and baby will be adjusted! You can do this, and they can too!

Remember, the best way to set our kids up for success during Daylight Savings is to focus on what we can control, like the sleep environment and the routine! They will figure the rest out!

Need more support with Daylight Savings?

With each and every  Moms on Call   Consulting experience, we have one goal in mind— to equip you with the confidence you need to become the best parent possible for your child. We are proud to partner with Certified Consultants who are uniquely trained to work with families utilizing the Moms on Call philosophy. All consultants are licensed nurses with pediatric experience who have used Moms on Call within their own homes.  Book your personal consultation with one of our Premier Certified Moms on Call Consultants!  to get help with Daylight Savings.

For more tips on establishing great sleep habits, stress-free feeding, Daylight Savings and so much more, check out Moms on Call’s resources, follow our blog, and connect with us on social media!

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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