Practical Toddler Potty Training with Positivity and Patience

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 3 min

Potty Training With Positivity and Patience! 

We are jumping right into practical toddler potty training with positivity and patience. As we go through our journey, we thought we would share our potty training tips. This post will give you an overview of Moms on Call’s “Triple P” method from Potty by Design. “Triple P” stands for patience, persistence, and positivity—three things you will definitely need!


How do you know when your toddler is ready to begin potty training?


Here are some of the most common signs toddler is ready for potty training:

  • They tell you when they have to go, are going, or have peed or pooped in their diaper/Pull-up.
  • They are showing interest in others’ use of the potty.
  • They are able to dress and undress themselves.
  • They are grossed out by a dirty diaper OR hide to pee or poo in their diaper.

What do we need to start potty training?

  • Get Potty by Design, Moms on Call’s no-nonsense guide to successfully potty training your child by understanding their one-of-a-kind personality, behavior patterns, and signals.
  • Prep the bathroom with books to keep them interested. We’re going to try to keep them sitting and engaged for at least 3-5 minutes.
    • Moms on Call’s Super Duper Pooper eBook is a fun and rhyming potty book that helps toddlers see real faces showing the potty is safe and non-threatening. It helps to familiarize a toddler with the process in a fun and supportive way that sets them up for success.
  • Order all of your potty training supplies!
    • See Potty by Design for the potty seat recommendations according to your toddler’s SMART design.
    • Let your little one help pick out their potty to keep them involved and get them excited to start!
    • On the go: They actually make foldable/portable potty seats to keep in your diaper bag.
  • During the day, have your toddler wear big kid underwear or waterproof training pants.
    • Nap and nighttime are excluded from potty training. We are looking for them to wake up dry for at least a week in a row before tackling naps and nighttime.

I am ready to start potty training. Now what?

  • We do not ask, “Do you need to go potty?”
    • I’m still biting my tongue on this one! It’s a process to get used to, but we need to remember that we are building a new structure and daily activity that they are still figuring out.
  • We take them to the potty 4-5 times a day, and when they ask or tell us they need/want to go.
    • Morning
    • Before nap
    • After nap
    • After supper
    • Before bed
  • Positive attitude!Keep our words and actions positive.
    • We want to stay confident and positive and try not to “stress face” (you know, that face you make when you realize your kid pooped seconds after getting off the potty).
    • We do not shame, spank, insult, OR “stress face” for not peeing or pooping in the potty.
  • We do not reward with stickers, candy, etc. Life is unpredictable, and so is going potty! We can’t rely on incentives to keep them interested and learning; it’s also a hard habit to break.

What do we do when we are in the moment?

  • Stay calm and confident!
  • When they go, try saying:
    • “I knew you could do it!”
    • “You’re doing great!”
  • When they don’t, try saying:
    • “We’ll try again later; you’re so smart, you’ll figure this out!”
    • “You’ve got this; let’s try again later!” This is a household favorite: youngest repeats, “I got this!”

We are shooting for about a 60% success rate for the first week or so, then 80%, and before we know it, we just have the occasional accident. 

When potty training, peeing is much more successful than pooping at first! 

  • Once we are at that 80% success rate of peeing, tackle pooping.
    • Encourage them to tell you when they have to poo.
    • Look for signs. This will sometimes be when they hide, make a poo face, or stand still and focus.
  • Encourage them to stay on the potty for that 3-5 minutes, but don’t get to a point where they are crying, or you are forcing them to stay. This takes the fun out of it.
  • If unsuccessful with poop, have them try again in 5-10 minutes. If they are showing the signs, it sometimes takes 2-3 tries before they actually poo in the potty.

Remember, going potty is an activity of daily living; we just have to help them manage it! Stay consistent and don’t give up; they will learn to do this! 

For personalized, one-on-one toddler support, we have certified MOC consultants who walk with you, answering and providing a plan for your specific situation and journey.

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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