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Toddler by Design Book

Regular price $14.99
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Take our simple, user-friendly quiz to determine your child’s unique design combination. With the combination of your quiz results and this book, you’ll understand your child better and learn to parent with more insight and confidence.

  • The Toddler by Design book offers a roadmap for intentional parents who want to navigate their toddler’s unique personality traits and behaviors throughout the learning and development process

  • The journey starts with a simple, user-friendly quiz to help you determine your child’s unique motivators

  • Easily identify your child’s primary motivator, in addition to secondary behavior profiles

  • By understanding your toddler’s unique design, you’ll have more confidence addressing challenges related to sleep, tantrums, feeding, and potty training

  • Parents can enjoy discovering how to communicate with toddlers effectively, in a way that’s both fun and gracious
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Amanda Carlson
My eyes are forever opened to my daughter's unique design!

I was already a HUGE fan of Mom's On Call's schedules. I got this resource after our first round of potty training. I had no idea my daughter was an "Engineer." Turns out she takes after her daddy in that way. It opened my eyes to realizing I had been trying to train her through my own learning style, which was a disaster. Now I've seen the light and can see her unique personality and learning style shine through in all aspects of life. I'm now prepared to start potty training again, this time using her own unique learning style.