Mom hacks from moms on call moms

"Mom Hacks" from Moms on Call Moms

Our team of Consultants (who are also nurses and moms) are sharing their top hacks!


We know how chaotic and messy parenting can be. The saying "it takes a village" takes on a whole new meaning once you become a parent. Keep reading for quirky yet realistic "Mom Hacks" from the moms who are on call...not just for their own families but for you too!


Learn a little about the team at Moms on Call, and grab a pen and paper, cause we've got some hacks that will give you an "ah ha" moment to ease the days of parenting and give you an edge at your next playdate!


Mom Hacks From Moms on Call's Premier Certified Consultants:


Alexandra Periera, RN BSN, CCRN, has 5 years of experience in Cardiac, Pediatric, and Neonatal Critical Care. She is also mom to toddler Madison and is expecting her 2nd little one!


  • One hack that made life easier after the baby arrived was having crock pot dinners ready and prepped in freezer bags. The first month after the baby arrived made life so much easier to grab a meal, pop it in the crock pot, and forget about it. A few hours later, the house was filled with deliciousness!
  • Having a toddler can have its challenges! Including your older little one in everyday things makes it so much easier. Once they become more independent, give them chores such as loading the dishwasher, cleaning up, and turning on/off lights.


Becca Davis, RN, MSN, is a momma of a multiple-age household! She's got three little ones and over 11 years of experience in Pediatric Care, ranging from Inpatient Care to Outpatient Care and Research.


  • Warming up the formula can be difficult when you're out and about. I've found using a thermos of warm water has been handy! Warm up the water more than you would for a fresh bottle and keep it in the thermos. When it's time to make a bottle, measure out the water, check the temp, and mix in the formula.
  • We love our travel sound machine when they are little. It goes everywhere we go! This is also a go-to for the hospital bag to help with restful sleep in the hospital.


Madeline Johnston, MSN, RN, OCN, located in the Metro Detroit area, is a mom of two with 8 years of experience in Oncology and Patient Care.


  • My favorite hack is having a breastfeeding and car seat privacy cover. We like having a pitch-black one for when we're out past bedtime with our newest little one. We use the car seat cover to create a "blackout" environment while we are at dinner.


Sydney Smith, RN, BSN, Pediatric Oncology Nurse at Children’s of Alabama and "Boymom" of two!


  • One hack that is even more difficult for me to grasp is to accept help. This may not seem like a hack, but it is the BEST life hack of all. If someone offers help, accept it and say thank you! It can be easy to brush off help and "just do it yourself," but let me tell ya it can feel just as good to accept that help!
  • Having an extra change of clothes INSIDE a ziplock is a game changer! Especially when you begin potty training. If the baby has a blowout or the toddler has an accident, put the dirty clothes into the ziplock bag. This way, your diaper bag or purse isn't stuffed with dirty/wet clothes, and you don't feel the need to "throw away" an outfit when you're out and about.


Natalie McClehahan, RN, BSN, Momma of one with one on the way! She is a Pediatric Registered Nurse with experience caring for the pediatric population in many settings, including Cardiology, Urgent Care, and Critical Care at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.


  • When going on a road trip, we use "overnight diapers" or "diaper doublers." This helps keep baby/toddler more comfortable between stops, and this way, they aren't sitting in a big, wet diaper. These also come in handy when little begins to sleep through the night, and we aren't going in for middle-of-night feedings/changing diapers.


Sierah Hicks, RN, Momma, and Registered Nurse, Sierah has experience in Labor and Delivery, Pediatrics, and as a school nurse...and has thoroughly enjoyed every aspect!


  • One hack we love is using a clear tackle box (with inserts) to put snacks in when traveling. We call it a "Snack Pack"!
  • Add a rubber band to one side of the baby wipes to get one out at a time. This is an all-time Moms on Call hack, making changing diapers so much easier.


Kaycee Rountree, RN, BSN, CPN, Certified Pediatric Nurse, located in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her husband and three incredibly fun and active children!


  • We always keep bandaids and painter's tape on hand! The bandaids because someone always needs one, HA! And the painter's tape comes in handy for on-the-go "race track," date/label food, or making a roll-out carpet for animals/toys! We always find something creative to use it for, and it's easily removable.
  • When the day is feeling long, and you need to change things up, make it a picnic! Spread out a blanket or beach towel and eat your snack or meal on the floor or in the front yard! The kids will love it, and the bonus is not having to convince the wiggly kiddos to stay in a seat at the table!


Morgan Sewell, BSN, RNC-OB/EFM, located in the Knoxville, Tennessee area where she was born and raised (Go Vols), married her High School sweetheart, Matthew, and they are raising their two beautiful girls. Morgan has over 7 years of nursing experience in High-Risk Labor & Delivery, Antepartum, Mother/Baby, Primary Care, and Pediatrics.


  • Sleep saver for middle-of-night accidents: do a double layer. We make the bed like this, mattress protector, fitted sheet, mattress protector, fitted sheet. When someone has a leaky diaper, spits up, or gets sick at night, we take off the first two layers, get ready with a fresh sheet, and go back to bed!


The Moms behind it all are here to share their favorite hacks as well!! Laura and Jennifer are Moms to a combined 8 kiddos, who are now grown. With over 30 yrs experience, these Moms have been there through it all!


Laura Hunter, MOC Co-Founder, LPN, Juggler of life, Mom of five (including a set of twins), pediatric nurse, entrepreneur, and infant care consultant.


  • Place a clean diaper under the baby's bottom before you go to change. Then place a wipe between the legs to help divert pee. GAME CHANGER!
  • Do not do origami laundry. Just sort, roll, and place in a designated drawer. Eventually, it just becomes sorted and in a drawer, and THAT is a success. No folding is necessary!


Jennifer Walker, MOC Co-Founder, RN, BSN, has multiple roles–wife, mother of three, pediatric nurse, public speaker, sought-after infant and toddler care consultant, and co-author of the world-famous Moms on Call book series!



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