It's official, you have everything you could possibly need to bring your new baby home! What about bringing the new you home? A new version of you will step back into your home as well so let's get you all set to make sure that you can also be taken care of!
One of our favorite things at Revelle is to educate mamas on what they need for a smooth postpartum experience. Our bodies have just undergone so much and we need to take care of ourselves so we can care for our sweet little one to the best of our ability.
Our top 3 recommendations for ALL new moms are:
- Minimize the amount of stress on you body
- Have the proper items for pain management and proper healing
- Don't be afraid to ask for help
We have curated a list of not just wants but needs for mom. We carefully organized these needs on a cart that can be easily accessed to minimize strain, help with healing and be easy to ask for! No more hollering from the bathroom to your mother-in-law to grab you the hemorrhoid cream and your perineal numbing spray.
Your Postpartum Essentials Cart: What every new mom should have on-hand!
Top Tier: Mom’s Essentials
Easy to reach when nursing, lying in bed, etc.
- Water cup: lactating makes you forever thirsty
- Pump: easy to reach when needed
- Snacks: you just burned up to 10,000 calories during delivery eat all the snacks
- Nipple cream: apply as needed to ease sore/cracked nipples
- Tylenol: pain relief
- Colace/miralax: this is more important than we think! Soft stool is very important
- Chapstick: goes along with the thirst!
- Portable phone charger: who has time to stay next to the wall
Second Tier:Perineal Care
Items at eye level when seated on the toilet
- Pre made perineal ice packs: continue to ice even after you leave the hospital. Ice decreases inflammation, helps with swelling and pain- can be used on perineum and c-section
- TUCKS witch hazel pads: soothing relief for vagina and anus
- Hemorrhoid cream: decreases irritation and swelling around anus
- Dermoplast or perineal numbing foam: a MUST! Great non-pharmacological pain reliever
- C-section silicone strips (for those who need it):everything must be completely healed
Third Tier: Baby’s Essentials
Items we hope your partner and/or support team will be grabbing the most!
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Diaper cream
- Onesies
Visit @the.revelle - (link in bio) for a free downloadable list!
Moms on Call has many resources, tips and tricks that are judgement free and help you parent out of truth and not fear. Our Online Video Courses and books cover everything you need to know including feeding, sleeping, typical day schedules, FAQs and so much more! Our swaddle blankets, apps and certified consultant network will support you as you use the Moms on Call method. Sign up for our newsletter to join the Family!