Diaper Bag Essentials

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 2 min

You asked, and we answered. What are the diaper bag essentials that you need for baby & toddler?

At Moms on Call, we like to keep it simple. And we definitely don’t need our diaper bag weighing more than our babies! So, we have curated a list of diaper bag essentials to accommodate you, your baby, and your toddler while keeping it to the diaper bag essentials. If you’re traveling with little one(s), you may need to adjust accordingly depending on how long you will be out. These diaper bag essentials will help you and your baby have a great day out!

Diaper Bag Essentials

  • 1 pack of diaper wipes
  • 4-5 diapers (You will ALWAYS need one or two more than you think! Pack extra for your newborn diaper bag essentials kit)
  • 1 fold-up, plastic changing pad
  • Small plastic bag for dirty diapers (dog poop bags work great!)
  • 2 changes of clothes for infants and 1 for toddlers
    • 1 sleeper (Be sure to swap these out as they “size up” so your newborn diaper bag essentials don't get too small)
    • 1 onesie (Be sure to swap out as they “size up.”)
    • If out for a day of traveling, an extra outfit for the parent is a diaper bag essential too (Spit up can be hard to accessorize)!
  • 2 burp cloths
  • 1-gallon size empty zipper storage bag (to contain any outfits or burp cloths that get messy - a key diaper bag essential)
  • 1 pair of extra socks
  • Lightweight blanket
  • 1 hat
    • Switch these out for winter and summer. It’s nice to have something to slip on their head to keep them warmer in winter and to keep the sun out of their face in the summer (safety first in this diaper bag essential list!)
  • Nursing
    • 2-4 Clean nursing pads
  • Bottles:
    • 1 bottle with nipple
    • 1-2 bottles of water
    • Formula
      • Separate the formula into a dispenser to hold the powder.
      • Remember, you always want to add the powder to the water (versus adding the water to the powder).
    • Breastmilk (stored correctly, insulated bag with an ice pack until ready to use.)
  • A clean zipper storage baggie that will contain these diaper bag essentials:
    • 1-2 pacifiers
    • 1 soft teether
    • 1 rattle or another toy
    • Important phone numbers: Poison Control, Pediatrician, Parent’s info, and additional emergency contact are definitely a diaper bag essential.
  • Hand sanitizer
  • 1 digital thermometer
  • 1 small bottle of infant acetaminophen and Benadryl
    • Always check with your pediatrician for when to give dosage.
    • Pro tip: Some pediatricians will give you a “dosage” sheet by weight. Ask at your next check-up to add to your diaper bag essentials!
  • 1 small trash bag - don't miss this diaper bag essential
  • If you have a toddler, also include:

Find Moms on Call's complete Diaper Bag Essentials List here !

We hope this narrows your list and keeps it to the diaper bag essentials. For more of Moms on Call's simple, sensible parenting resources from birth through toddlerhood, browse our Knowledge Center. From diaper bag essentials to schedule flexibility to the first two weeks at home, we've got you covered. 

Let us know on @momsoncall what your diaper bag essentials are!

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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