Sleep Training

Redefining Sleep Success: The Truth About "Sleep Training"

The phrase “Sleep Training” can be a loaded term, often accompanied by a spectrum of emotions, opinions, judgment, and advice. At Moms on Call, we’ve been associated with the concept of Sleep Training, and we’re here to share a little secret that might reshape your perspective:

Your little one is born with the innate ability to sleep – it’s a natural biological phenomenon that doesn’t necessarily need to be taught.

Dispelling the Myth:

  • Sleep is Instinctive: Contrary to popular belief, babies are born with the intrinsic knowledge of how to sleep. It’s not a skill that needs rigorous training; rather, it’s a fundamental aspect of their biology.
  • Reframing the Approach: Instead of viewing it as Sleep Training, let’s shift the narrative. We are simply creating supportive environments and cultivating positive habits that align with your baby’s natural sleep tendencies.

Cultivating Good Habits:

  • Establishing Routine: Consistency is key. Build a daily routine that revolves around key activities at fixed times, such as feedings, naptimes, and bedtime. This helps your baby develop a sense of time and predictability.
  • Structured Pre-Nap Routine: Incorporate consistent pre-nap rituals like diaper changing, snuggles, and perhaps some soothing music or storytime. These rituals signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for rest.
  • Bedtime Rituals: Create a comforting bedtime routine that involves a soothing bath, followed by diaper change and pajamas. Engage in storytime, bedtime snuggles, and prayers, establishing a calming atmosphere for a restful night.

Optimizing Sleep Environments:

  • Sound Machine: Use a high-quality sound machine to help with transitioning through sleep cycles.
  • Safe Sleep Surface: Ensure your baby’s sleep environment is safe and conducive to rest. A safe sleep environment includes a crib or bassinet that meets the CPSC’s Safety Guidelines, a firm mattress, snug fitting sheet, and nothing else but your baby!
  • Swaddle (If under 12 weeks): Remove the swaddle once your baby is attempting to roll, busting out, or 12 weeks of age. Whichever comes first.

Embracing Positive Sleep Habits:

Let’s reframe the discussion around sleep by focusing on creating habits that align with your baby’s natural sleep instincts. By fostering routines, incorporating comforting rituals, and optimizing sleep environments, you empower your little one to embrace restful sleep without the need for extensive “training”. At Moms on Call, it’s not about Sleep Training – it’s about nurturing a sleep-positive lifestyle for both you and your baby. Sweet dreams await!

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