Online Parenting Courses Tackle Short Naps and Early Wakeups
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
Babies don’t come with instructions. Or do they?!?
At Moms on Call, we’ve been supporting parents and families for 20 years. At first, our guide was a simple printed handout that we shared with families in the pediatric practice where we both worked as nurses. The response was overwhelming so we wrote full books with practical, expert nurse advice on newborns, then babies and finally toddlers. We heard the same questions from so many families and loved the chance to share simple, realistic and useful parenting advice in sleep, feeding, family routines and more.
5 years ago, we designed online parenting courses to enhance the information in our books on everything from basic baby care through taming toddler tantrums. We loved creating each and every video because you can actually see the techniques that we’re describing rather than simply read about it. From how to correctly swaddle a newborn to how to do nasal suction and ways to communicate with your toddler so that they actually listen, these online baby care courses help families to see, learn, and practice the basics of baby care through 4 years of age.
Now, we’re so excited to share that these online parenting courses have been updated with BRAND NEW content featuring real parent questions that we’ve heard over and over again. Our 0-6 Month Online Course, 6-`15 Month Online Course, and Toddler Online Course now come with these two new modules to tackle your most frequently asked questions:
If you’re wondering what to do when your baby won’t nap or if you find yourself dealing with the 45-minute nap intruder, this new online course content is for you.
Moms on Call Founders Jennifer and Laura use their combined 40+ years of nursing experience to answer specific questions from parents like…
“How do we lengthen naps and make a schedule work when dropping a nap? How do we get through the morning when they are used to taking that nap?”
“What is the deal with toddler naps? Should we worry about getting them to sleep in the afternoon?”
“I have to pick my toddler up from preschool during my 3-month-old’s naptime. How should I handle naptime when we’re on the go?”
“We’re following wake windows, but it feels like our days are all over the place. What do you recommend?”
"Our baby's naps last about 40 minutes like clockwork. I follow her sleepy cues, and we've got the sleep environment set up with a dark room and sound machine. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong!"
You’ll hear Moms on Call’s expert tips and time-tested advice to help infants, babies, and toddlers get those quality restful naps during the day. We all know how a missed nap can throw the whole family off schedule. This new online video content will prepare you with the tools to troubleshoot and handle those short naps with confidence.
Exhausted from early morning wakeups? Our new online course content will help you troubleshoot these hot topics with age-specific guidance. Jennifer and Laura answer common parent questions like:
“When our baby wakes up crying, we intervene pretty quickly. The idea of waiting longer than 5 minutes, screaming and crying, is really difficult. What tips do you recommend that we try?”
“We are at the age to drop the swaddle, but our baby still isn't sleeping through the night. He's waking up super early, at 4:30am. We play pacifier pong a few times, and then he goes back to sleep. What do you recommend here?”
“What is the MOC hat trick? And when is the right time to do it?”
“My baby wakes up at 5:30am every morning and just practices sounds all morning. Is this normal?”
If you have an early riser, you are not alone. Sometimes, a simple shift in routine or feeding schedule can help your baby sleep past those wee early morning hours. Little bodies and brains are doing amazing developmental work while they snooze. Let’s do everything we can to help them rest until that magical 6:30 to 7:00 am hour when we are all ready to start the day!
Have you already purchased a course? Fantastic. Just login with the same login details and you’ll see these new online course content activated in your course on August 30.
If you are new to Moms on Call Online Courses, you’ll want to purchase the course for the correct age:
Any questions? Email us at support@momsoncall.com.
We’re glad to support parents throughout their parenting journey from infant through baby and toddler years. With so much information at your fingertips, these updated online parenting courses help you understand basic baby care with ease so you can get back to enjoying your family!