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Navigating the 6 Month Sleep Regression

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 2 min

Are you feeling the fatigue of the 6 month sleep regression? You’re not alone. Just when you think you've mastered one stage, another curveball comes your way. But fear not, Moms on Call is here to guide you through your little one's sleep regression and help you turn it into a "sleep progression", which is an exciting step forward in your baby's healthy development.

Understanding the Sleep Regression

In Moms on Call terminology, we refer to this challenge as "progression" or  a "developmental breakthrough". These are periods where your little one's sleep patterns become disrupted, in the absence of illness.

Typically lasting 3-5 days, this "progression" tends to occur every 6-8 weeks and sometimes it seems every other week!

Why Does the Sleep Regression Happen?

These developmental hiccups often coincide with significant milestones in your baby's life. From becoming more aware of their surroundings to mastering new physical skills like rolling over or sitting up, there's a lot going on in their little world.

During this "progression", you may notice changes in feeding patterns as well. Increased distraction during feedings is common as your baby becomes more curious about the world around them.

What Can You Do During this Sleep Regression?

  1. Stick to the Routine: Review your current Moms on Call routine and make adjustments if necessary. Consider moving to the next routine or utilizing your 15-minute grace period to maintain consistency a bit longer. Dropping a nap or adjusting the evening catnap might also help with the progression.
  2. Optimize the Environment: Create a conducive sleep environment with a safe crib, sound machine, and appropriate clothing (think footed pajamas instead of sleep sacks until rolling easily). Ensure natural light for naps and a dark room for nighttime sleep.
  3. Consistency is Key: Identify areas where you can improve consistency in your daily routine. Aim for two naps in the crib if possible and establish a pre-nap routine that includes diaper changes, snuggles, storytime, and soothing music during the progression.

  4. Encourage Practice: Set aside time during the day for your baby to practice new skills like rolling, sitting up, and babbling. This not only aids in their development but also helps tire them out for better sleep during the progression.
  5. Optimize Feedings: Ensure your baby is getting full feeds and limit distractions during feeding times. Consider introducing a sippy cup during solid food meal times to encourage a few extra ounces.

  6. Keep an Eye on Teething: Teething can also coincide with a progression. While it doesn't always require intervention, monitor your baby for signs of discomfort such as persistent crying, increased fussiness, or fever, and consult your pediatrician if needed.

Remember, the sleep progression is just a temporary bump in the road. With patience, consistency, and the support of Moms on Call, you'll navigate through them like a pro.

Need More Support with Your Little One's Sleep Regression?

With each and every  Moms on Call   Consulting experience, we have one goal in mind— to equip you with the confidence you need to become the best parent possible for your child . We are proud to partner with Certified Consultants who are uniquely trained to work with families utilizing the Moms on Call philosophy. All consultants are licensed nurses with pediatric experience who have used Moms on Call within their own homes. 

Book your personal consultation with one of our Premier Certified Moms on Call Consultants!  

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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