My early days of being a first time mom looked like this: Heart full of joy, and head full of questions. As a seasoned Moms on Call follower and planner by nature, I had done everything I could to prepare prior to having our daughter. I read the Moms on Call books and watched the online courses. I did my research and chose a pediatrician. I registered for the top rated products, chatted with friends and family about what to expect, and I created an environment at home that would set us up for a smooth transition into parenthood. What I quickly learned is this. Reality check --there is no way to fully prepare for having a baby. Once he or she is here everyone has an opinion on how to get you through that first three months. I quickly found myself overwhelmed, and seeking one voice to help me navigate these very special and challenging first weeks with my baby. I set up a consultation with Moms on Call to be just that. And I am excited to share my experience with you.

Aside from the initial overwhelm, here are a few key reasons why I chose to invest in a consultation:
- Resorting to ‘Dr. Google’ when I had a question
- I was exhausted and unsure
- I wanted my husband to be involved but didn’t know the best ways to involve him
- Having trouble breastfeeding and relying on varying advice from the hospital nurses and lactation consultants
- I was asking too many people for help, and receiving different answers from all
When I was paired with Moms on Call Co-Founder, Laura Hunter, as a consultant, I was thrilled and a bit intimidated. I had watched Laura’s swaddling video about a million times, had read her book, and had admired her from afar as I began my parenting journey. I knew Laura was knowledgeable and had a heart of gold, and all of my self-doubt melted away as soon as she walked through my door. Looking back, I can’t thank her enough for how calmly and kindly she delivered the consultation. Her encouraging words and the way that she handled and cared for my precious baby in our time with her were nothing short of amazing.
Watching my baby react to the Moms on Call practices and teachings was truly eye opening. Before my consultation, I wasn’t sure what to expect aside from what I had read on the website. What I wish I had known is this: I would leave feeling a sense of calm and confidence that I never would have gained from simply reading the Moms on Call books.
A few notes on what to expect:
- You will receive an email from your consultant beforehand which outlines what products to have available during the consultation
- Topics that will be covered and demonstrated include: Nail clipping, using saline drops and a nose syringe (this was so intimidating to me beforehand!), diaper changing, bath time routine, basic feeding tips and schedules, swaddling, tummy time, nap time, and an overview of the 0-6 month basic baby care from the books
- The consultant will put your baby down for a nap and allow the two of you the space to connect and learn
- You will walk away with all notes written in your Moms on Call book (and refer back to them often)
- There will be time for questions, so bring any and all!

During the hour consult, the ‘ah ha’ moments were endless. A month later, here are a few that I still reflect back on and implement daily.
- Breastfeeding: I was doing it all wrong! Laura helped me with positioning so that I wasn’t hunched over and uncomfortable. It changed my entire mindset surrounding this special time with my daughter.
- I couldn’t believe that all of my pricey bath ‘essentials’ weren’t essential after all, and that my two week old was ready for the big girl tub. Laura swooped that baby up, showed me how to have her floating in the water, and I watched ‘baby whispering’ happen first hand. We repeat what we learned nightly and it is our favorite time of the day.
- Parenting out of Truth and Not out of Fear! I remember this day so vividly because it was the first time (since I found out I was pregnant) that I thought “Ok, I can do this”. Laura left me with a sense of peace that I had the tools to give this baby everything she needs. Through the consultation, I not only gained knowledge and best practices. I also gained a teacher and support system, Laura, which is something I didn’t know I needed and now can’t imagine not having.

As I look back on this experience and the weeks following, I can confidently say that I do not have all the answers, but I am showing up better for my daughter every day. There are ups and downs and each week is a new challenge. Having Laura as a sounding board and available for continued questions has been invaluable. She reminds me that when things get tough, tighten up on Moms on Call practices, and that has worked every time! The consultation and continued relationship with the Moms on Call family is a gift myself and my husband are endlessly grateful for.
A HUGE thank you to Margot Eddy for sharing her consultation experience and to Matisse Rogers for capturing it all on camera! For more information on consultations and to connect with a certified Moms on Call consultant, visit our website! You can pick a consultant to connect with, or reach out for help in selecting the right partner for you and your family!