We’re taking the opportunity to answer even more of your questions in this episode! Here is what Jennifer and Laura have for you:
- Daycare drop-off and pick-up for my toddler is right in the middle of my 8 month old’s nap times. What should we do?
- Can I get your books on Audible so that I can listen in the car?
- Does Moms on Call work for babies with reflux?
- What if my baby poops in the bathtub?
- My twins just started daycare and seem hungry when they get home at 5:30pm. What should I do to make sure they still get a full feeding at bedtime so they sleep a longer stretch at night?
- When my 7 week old wakes at 5am for a feed, how do we handle the rest of the day’s schedule?
- When can I expect my baby to sleep through the night?
- If my baby is 5 months old, should I get the 0-6 month book or the 6-15 month book?
- I’m watching my grandson during the days and he won’t take a bottle. What can we do?
Mission MightyMe: Save 20% off your first order at missionmightyme.com with the code MOMSONCALL20.
Dr. NozeBest: Use offer code MOMSONCALL for $25 off the NozeBot Nasal Aspirator at drnozebest.com.
Resources mentioned on the show:
0-6 Month Book & Online Course
Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar)
Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.
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