When to Drop the Third Nap and Changing the Feeding Schedule

When to Drop the Third Nap and Changing the Feeding Schedule 

We’ve all said it: timing is everything! That’s never more true than when you’re a parent, especially in that first year. Most of our most frequently asked questions have to do with timing. Today on the podcast, we’ll talk about a couple of those questions. First, a mom in Virginia wants to know how to know if the time is right to drop off one of her daughter’s naps. Then, a mom in Montana is wondering if it’s time to switch her 12-week-old to the 8 to 16-week feeding schedule, even though she’s not eating that much.

Introducing the Moms on Call Sleep & Grow Mattress by Colgate! This dual-firmness crib mattress, designed in collaboration with Moms on Call and Colgate, the Crib Mattress Specialist®, has been expertly engineered for comfort and safety. Packed with 5.5″ of eco-friendlier foam made from sustainable plant oils, this mattress ensures a good night’s sleep for your little one. Explore more about the Sleep & Grow Mattress on our podcast!

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