mom cleaning house

Spring Clean: Organizing Your Home with Babies & Toddlers

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 2 min

If you’ve got little ones laying, crawling or running around the house, we’re here to help make spring cleaning a breeze!

Spring cleaning is all about refreshing your space, setting the new season’s intention and having a little fun with it! Cleaning with littles around is definitely a challenge, but it's not impossible.

Spring Cleaning Tips

  • Set realistic expectations and give yourself grace!
  • Make a list of rooms you intend to clean. We like to set a realistic expectation of 1 room every 2 days. See below

Day 1

  • Spend this day getting rid of outgrown items, clothing, and toys. These items can be passed down to friends, family or donated to your local charity.
  • Separate items into giveaway, keep, save for later, and keepsakes.
  • Refresh your room with new pillows, update pictures, plants, candles, put away that winter décor, etc!

Day 2

  • Organization, cleaning surfaces, sweeping and vacuuming.
  • Tips to get littles involved (in helpful ways!)
    • If you have a toddler or older kiddo, providing them with some washcloths, a small broom and letting them push the vacuum with your help are all fun ways to get involved.
    • Use a chore chart, involving them in small tasks.
    • Play some music while cleaning! If your little is too young to join in the cleaning, place them in a swing, bouncy or play yard in the room and keep poking around to let them know you're there.

Everything has a place!

  • Create organization by adding storage containers and baskets in your living spaces.
    • This is great for toys! Having a dedicated basket or bin of toys available for your little in your living space is a great way to keep toys contained and simplify clean-up!

What to keep and what to toss?

  • Choosing what items to keep or toss can be hard.
    • Toss items in the giveaway pile that don’t give you excitement anymore (décor, clothes, etc).
    • Toss items that are too small, littles have grown out of age-wise (ex: teething toys, playmats, swings) and toys that no longer interest them.
    • Winter items and décor can be stored for later. This goes for clothes that you may have purchased a size too big or were passed down by a sibling.
    • Keepsake tip: We like to keep one item from each stage of baby/childhood. Then next spring, we go through it again! (It may not hold the same precious value it did the year past.)
  • We keep separate containers for winter, holidays and keepsake items that can slip right under a bed or in a closet.

Spring cleaning and organizing your home with little ones may feel like a big task, but with simple routines and realistic expectations, you can create a space that feels fresh and functional for your family. Looking for more expert tips on baby and toddler sleep, routines, and parenting? Visit the Moms on Call Knowledge Center  for more blogs and expert advice to help you navigate parenthood with confidence! You've got this! We are here to help support you on your parenting journey.

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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