Episode 37


Whether you had your holiday decorations up in October or will be lucky if anything is up before the holidays are over, one thing we can all agree on is that with the holidays comes chaos! We’re going to help you thrive through the chaos with this episode. Here is what we have for you this week:

  • When to adapt your schedule to a new timezone.
  • What to do when Christmas dinner falls in the middle of naptime.
  • Jennifer and Laura’s favorite holiday traditions and funny memories.

Your questions: Should I keep my twins on the same schedule if one is progressing more quickly than the other? My 4 month old is suddenly waking at 4am every morning because she’s pooped; what do I do? How do I stop my two breastfeeding sessions, cold turkey?

Resources mentioned on the show:

0-6 Month Book & Online Course

Diaper Changing Hack

Toddler Online Course (including the famous Toddler Seminar)

Have a question for the Moms? Call us and leave a message at 888-234-7979.

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