Be Prepared with a First Aid Kit for Babies and Toddlers

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 3 min

As moms with 8 kids between us, we know that kids rarely get sick or injured at a “convenient” time. If your life is anything like ours, these things happen at about the absolute worst time possible.

You may be heading on the trip of a lifetime to Disney World and hear the words no parent longs to hear…

“I don’t feel so…..(insert vomiting)”.

Maybe 10 kids are coming over for “the-best-2-year-old-birthday-party-ever”! Ten minutes before everyone arrives, the birthday boy is laying on the floor, sleeping, and at first you think “that is so sweet”. (Famous last words.) Then you think “this kid never stops at this time of the day and he looks a little flushed”. Holding your breath, you reach down to feel his forehead with your Mom-ometer and he is on fire!

One of the main things we have dealt with in our homes and as after-hours nurses were the calls at 2am that included everything from fever, vomiting and diarrhea to eye drainage and croup.

The one consistent thing about injuries is that they are always unexpected. 

From the minor knee scrapes at the zoo, monkey bar elbow breaks and face plants when learning to walk…we have been there!

So, how can we be prepared and plan for the unexpected at home and everywhere else our kids exist?

Simple. Be prepared. Create two kits. One for home and one for on-the-go.

At-Home First Aid Kit

Be prepared. This kit preferably has a combination lock or you make sure it is placed out of reach. Place emergency names and numbers, poison control number, pediatrician’s number and any allergies or medical issues securely in the bag.

  • BandAids®
  • Children’s Acetaminophen (Pay attention to dosage instructions.)
  • Acetaminophen Suppositories (This is where we put meds when vomiting kids have a fever.)
  • Diphenhydramine (Allergic Reactions)
  • Saline Nose drops (Congestion)
  • Glycerin Suppositories (True constipation)
  • Pedialyte (Electrolyte replenisher)
  • Pedialyte Popsicles
  • Digital thermometer
  • Vaseline
  • Medicine dosage syringes
  • Gas drops
  • Hydrocortisone 0.5%
  • Anti-bacterial wash
  • Pack of 4×4 Gauze and 2×2 Gauze
  • Ace Bandage
  • Squeezable ice pack
  • Tweezers
  • Medical tape

Be Prepared with a On-the-Go First Aid Kit

A small, secured bag to throw in the car or in your stroller. It contains an index card with emergency names and numbers, poison control number, pediatrician’s number and any allergies or medical issues. This helps you be prepared for any on-the-go accidents that may occur. We love this travel first aid kit for kids that comes ready with everything you need. To make your own, ensure you have these items: 

  • BandAids®
  • Children’s Acetaminophen (Pay attention to dosage per ml or tablets)
  • Acetaminophen Suppositories (Hopefully you never need but if vomiting/fever and unable to hold down meds, sometimes this becomes a needed option)
  • Diphenhydramine (Allergic Reactions)
  • Dosage syringe
  • Digital thermometer
  • Hydrocortisone 0.5%
  • Anti-bacterial wash
  • Pack of 4×4 Gauze and 2×2 Gauze
  • Ace Bandage
  • Squeezable ice pack
  • Tweezers
  • Medical tape

As with all medications, always check with your pediatrician for instructions on when to give and dosage. 

Many pediatricians have a “medication dosage chart” that will give you instructions on dosage by child’s weight for many of the approved over-the-counter medications.

Moms on Call  provides simple, sensible parenting resources to sleep, feed, laugh and love birth through toddlerhood. Our  Online Video Courses  for 0-6 months cover everything from feeding and sleeping to schedule transitions and typical days at different stages. These are the perfect compliment to our books, signature swaddle blankets, apps and e-books.

Parenting is a shared experience, and connecting with others can provide invaluable support. If you need more personalized advice, consider reaching out to a professional.  The Moms on Call Consultant Network  is a trusted resource for parents seeking guidance.

Our team of experienced Moms on Call consultants is ready to provide helpful advice tailored to your specific needs.

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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