Written by Moms on Call || Photography courtesy of Olivia Pinheiro
Our days are long and the moments that live within them pass us by. Before we know it, we have magically fed, bathed, and put to bed our littles. Finally, at the end of the day we get a single drop of silence to ourselves. In this moment, CHERISH all of the crazy. As long as these days seem, a week is over an in instant, and you’re planning your little’s next birthday.
Some of our most perfect memories fall within the crazy. And as funny as it is, these moments are what sticks out to our young ones in their hearts, as they should ours.
Maybe you’re baking muffins and turn away to drop the bowl in the sink when you hear the mixer turn on. Lo and behold, wall, child and counter are covered in muffin mix. Not so laughable moment at the time, and definitely not the best parenting moment, BUT the giggles that come from your little’s heart live in our hearts at the end of the day. (Yes, this actually happened. And yes, I have picture proof. Because WHY NOT enjoy this moment over and over again?! Even if it wasn’t my best.)
These are the moments that we stop, take a deep breath and cherish. Hold them tight, capture the giggle and carry it with us until our hearts need it.
We pour our hearts into each day in search of perfection and, let’s be real, it’s not realistic.
Take a moment to stop searching for perfection. In it, you will find hundreds of moments of silliness, sadness, madness and chaos. And that is OKAY. It’s actually more than okay. This is often where we find our moments that give us the strength and warmth to enjoy each day, and not stress over a mess.
Parenting isn’t easy and it isn’t perfect. Sometimes our imperfect parenting teaches us a lesson, and sometimes it just opens our hearts. The best part is, we don’t know which one it will be or if it’s both.
So, as we sit and enjoy our drop of silence in the evening or maybe at the end of the week, remember that it’s the good stuff that sometimes comes from the crazy chaos of life.
Moms on Call provides simple, sensible parenting resources to sleep, feed, laugh and love birth through toddlerhood. Our Online Video Courses for 0-6 months cover everything from feeding and sleeping to schedule transitions and typical days at different stages. These are the perfect compliment to our books, signature swaddle blankets, apps and e-books.