5 Tips to Make Time Zone Travel Easier for Families

Written by: Laura Hunter, LPN & Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN



Time to read 2 min

One of our most common questions this time of year is about traveling to a new time zone and how to manage that without your little one's schedule getting thrown off. So, we've got you covered whether you are traveling for a family gathering, making memories somewhere new, or having a BIG move coming up!

Here, we will break down our top 5 time zone travel tips to help get you through this and keep your little one's schedule intact (as much as reality allows).

1. Be realistic.

  • We recommend sticking with the schedule as much as possible.
    • For a short trip with minimal time change, this is more realistic.

2. Prepare for success.

  • Begin your day with a VERY rested baby!

3. Use these pro tips on travel day.

  • Chances are, naps may be off when traveling to a new time zone, and the baby will be extra stimulated by the travel and everything in between.
    • Use this to your advantage!
    • See Moms on Call's "Crazy Day" tips and try putting your baby to bed early the first night you arrive.
      • Moms on Call parents are used to seeing “C” times in our schedules! This is specifically for these crazy days.
  • If the baby oversleeps during travel day, it will be okay!

4. Stay consistent.

  • Try your best to provide a similar sleep environment that the baby is used to.
  • Always travel with a LOUD  machine.
  • We also love traveling, especially to a new time zone with a Slumberpod to recreate a baby's pitch-black room from home. This is especially true when room sharing! (Tip: use code MOC for 5% off your purchase)

5. Embrace the "new normal" in the new time zone.

  • As for the next day, try leaving the baby in the crib as long as you possibly can.
  • Start the day and try your best to acclimate to the new time zone.
  • At bedtime, try to stick to the bedtime in the new time zone.

Lastly, our confidence is contagious! Stay confident and baby will follow. Remember, these will be memories you will cherish forever...even if there are moments of chaos.

Looking for more travel and time zone tips from the Moms? 

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Head over to our Blog for related time zone blog posts, including Sanity Savers, Holiday Safety, Traveling Packing Lists, Flying with a Baby, and more!

Co-Founders of Moms on Call

Laura Hunter, LPN and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN

Co-Founders of Moms on Call, Pediatric Nurses and Moms to 8 kids between them, Laura Hunter and Jennifer Walker created Moms on Call to simplify parenting. Through their books, online courses, podcast and content, they help parents everywhere navigate the first four years with confidence and better sleep.

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