not another cry it out method

Not Another Cry It Out Method

Not all "cry it out" is the same. At Moms on Call, when a baby is under 12 weeks of age and wakes at nap or in the middle of the night, we encourage waiting just a few minutes before intervening. The best part? Parents get to determine what they are and are not comfortable with.

At your comfort, we recommend waiting a few minutes before we intervene.

What's the purpose of the wait?

  • The purpose of waiting a few minutes is to ensure the baby is awake and determine whether they need soothing or if it is time to feed.
  • At Moms on Call, we encourage creating great habits that result in longer stretches of sleep.

So, we practice the pause.

“Practice the Pause” simply means to wait just a few minutes before reacting. Whether in the middle of a nap sleep cycle or when they wake in the middle of the night, just wait. Waiting a few minutes will give them the opportunity to wake up, fuss, and go back to sleep, or they will let us know they are ready to eat.

  • Once the baby is 12 weeks of age and major transitions are happening, like getting rid of the swaddle, learning to roll over, or exploring foods, some crying happens.
  • With Moms on Call, we give you specific guidelines for what to do when your little one wakes early from a nap or in the middle of the night, according to age.
  • With key elements in place, we can get through this and sleep through the night within a few days!
    • Routine
      • Follow along with Moms on Call’s ‘Typical Day’ schedules located in the Moms on Call Books and Scheduler App.
      • The Ideal Sleep Environment
        • Your baby's crib should be less than 5 years old with a new mattress, mattress cover, and tight-fitted crib sheet.
      • Confidence from knowing that your little one is safe, loved, and ready for this new freedom.

At Moms on Call, we are often known for helping families get more sleep, but we are SO much more than just that.

Not only do we cover sleeping, routines, and naps in our books and online video courses, but we also go through basic newborn care — like putting diapers on, clipping nails, feeding positions, and feeding guidance, including amounts and how to start solids. Once we grow out of the infant phase, then we walk you all the way through toddlerhood.

For personalized, one-on-one support, we have certified MOC consultants who walk with you, answering and providing a plan for your specific situation and journey.

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